Tuesday 3 November 2020


Good Morning everyone, I hope you all managed to have
a great half term week.
As you will be aware, new restrictions will be in place from Thursday for the proposed Government Lockdown.
You will have noticed that staff on duty at the gates are now wearing masks to reduce transmission between adults. We are also asking that adults that now come on site to drop their children off (Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2) also wear a mask to 'Help Stop the Spread' and to also observe the 2 metre distancing where possible. The area outside our reception area, particularly at the end of the day, can become busy and conversations between parents are taking place in huddles which does not follow the guidance and concerns us.

Please work with us on following distancing protocol, only one adult picking up from their child(ren) from school, wearing a mask and hopefully we are all doing our part in helping keep everyone at Waltham Leas safe.